We had 12 show up this week which included a sister and a returning J.
Like riding a bicycle our returning J took starboard 7 with great gusto.
As we settled in the boat the most peculiar thing happened. A HUGE series of waves lifted the Verite up at least a foot or more. At first the waves were simply rocking the boat. Then they became stronger and higher and pretty soon it required everyone to sit down and hold on. With a look over the shoulder you could see the other boats perpendicular to the waterway tipping deeply sideways as the waves pushed down the Thea. You could hear their lines clanging against their masts. It was very much like an earthquake in that it seemed to go on for quite a long time. Troubling too, because there was no apparent cause for the waves - tugboat, fast motor boat, or incoming container ship (in fact, there wasn't a one in the bay) so what was it? Simply high tide making itself known? A wind wave that had gathered momentum? There was no mention of an earthquake nearby in the news or on-line for that day either. Oh, maybe Commencement Bay has a Loch Ness monster? At the very least it was a reminder that Mother Nature likes to be unpredictable. Later she tested us with wind. I hope we passed our impromptu test.
Tea Time... the wind took us back in.
See the front coming?
Now, to thread the our 18 foot oared needle between those 2 tugs and the huge sailing ship behind?