Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Wander-Land down by the sea

July 22, 2024 at 11:35 am there was a -3.11 tide. With a overcast sky above and a slight breeze to greet us, we made our way across the space between the land and the sea. The water looked like a mirage and felt very far, far away.  In the foreground a murder of crows walked purposefully through the green ribbons of eel grass. Once the WOWers gathered we would join them on the slip slide to the water. 

Right away things looked different. Sand dollars were upright, tube worms were sticking their body parts? up. There were so many it was like a carpet of soda straws popping up on the beach. We noted the ell grass looked much more plentiful. Good work restoration team! The plethora of little things - tiny gastropods, barnacles, a sky little wormy thing in a shell, tiny, tiny mussel shells proved love was in the air. The eagles and herons always appreciated. Oh, you will see if you watch the video. 

It was all amazing and yet one thing puzzled us. We had our guesses, but I suppose we will never know what it really was. The thing of which I speak is toward the end of the video.  Maybe it is better we keep it a mystery.