Tuesday, June 16, 2015

New Moon

Under the spell of a new moon we innocently dipped our oars into the flow assuming things were the same as they always, but that's a myth - they never are. Immediately the wind picked up as it always does when Kathleen holds the steering oar. Me thinks she is a closet sailor but she scoffs and says she's not. Curious I looked back at the historical charts to see if there was a clue for yesterday's unusual feel. It said the winds were 5 mph coming from the N/NE at the hour of our departure with gusts up to 9 mph later that afternoon. Meanwhile the tides which had been a -2.2 at 10:57 am were all churn-y and swirly deep below. The water had attitude and was acting so strange and it was the color of tea which was not the same! 

As it turned out the day was one practice maneuver after another. First it was docking on the City side so Miss M could come aboard. Then it was back over to home base for some needed equipment. Miss N, who obviously was practiced at jumping from bobbing boats to shore, hopped the rail and ran for the stuff. The rest of us bobbed and practiced our back stroke. Without a scene we were underway again with cox number 3, headed out into the bay for what would be tea. Oh, my!  The bay, a bathtub with whirlpool jets. The winds twisting our hair into nautical knots. Uncle we cried so round we turned, making our way back to the start again. It was there we saw the Thea Foss, all sleek and slim;  tour her?  We could not.  Luckless on that note but on the snacks did scored. Adventure is out there - ready or not but for heaven's sake don't forget the teapot!


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